Friday, March 20, 2009

Post-game Pizza Party 3/14

Nothing quite like the sweet taste of victory... except the sweet taste of pizza on top of it. We need to do this again (another victory and pizza) soon... Thanks to everyone who attended.

Game 4 @ Dodgers 3/14

BADDA-BOOOOM! World Famous Padres came to play! We had an absolute blast and tore the skin off the ball. We only allowed 3 hits with some stellar pitching by Connally and Williams and we put up 13 hits! 7 singles, 5 doubles and a triple! Virtually all 5 doubles one-hopped the fence... just mashin' the ball! Connally threw an even 3 innings with 7 K's, gave up only one hit and threw 75% strikes! Williams threw for an even 3 innings with 6 K's and only gave up 2 hits! Great job to both of them and to the rest of the team for swinging the sticks and playing solid defense. You guys REALLY came to play...



Take a Bow... (stay with me... there's a lot)
McManus - (2 for 4) singled twice with 2 RBI's.
Hudson - (1 for 3) DEEP double, two great stops at 2B, 1 RBI.
Hertel - (1 for 3) singled and did outstanding behind the plate... very alert.
Williams - (1 for 2) HARD double that one-hopped the fence, threw 6 K's and a stolen base, hit by pitch.
Connally - (1 for 1) Threw 8 K's, put-out P->1B, stolen base, HUGE reaching catch at 1B, walked twice.
McKeever - (2 for 3) single, DEEP double to LF
Lambert - (1 for 1) single, scored 3 times, 1 RBI
Pennino - (1 for 2) good plate discipline, strong single, walked, good throw from LF, 1 RBI.
Tack - (1 for 3) DEEP double to left-center w/ RBI, 2 put-outs SS->1B
Venero - (1 for 3) TRIPLED to RF corner, 2 RBI's.
Smith - great stop at 3B and another HUGE leaping catch for a put-out.
Makwana - made GREAT contact at the plate.

Player of the Game - Josh Hudson

Ruby's Diner Sports Superstars
Jonathon Williams and Logan Venero

Game 3 vs. Athletics 3/10

A tough loss against a good coach and team. We shut them down for 4 solid innings and got a one run lead on them early due to a stolen base and a great bunt in the first inning. Unfortunately, our bats were cold and we made a ton of errors/mistakes on defense and a couple on our base running. We gave them this game and we'll have to eliminate the errors to compete with them on our next meeting.



Padres lose 1-7

Take a Bow...
Connally - (1 for 1) 8 K's, single, 2 stolen bases, walk
Smith - (1 for 3) GREAT bunt base-hit to advance the runner, 2 stolen bases, 3 huge stops at 3B and a put-out.
McManus - (1 for 3) made great contact at the plate, DEEP fly ball to RF, stole home (2 steals)
Tack - made great contact at the plate, great stop at SS, walk
Lambert - made great contact at the plate, put-out P->1B, caught pop-up at P.
Pennino - made great contact at the plate, GREAT throw from LF.
Venero - made a GREAT throw from RF.
Hertel - walked.
Makwana - walked.

Player of the Game - Isaac Lambert

Ruby's Diner Sports Superstars
Matt Pennino and Logan Venero

Miscellaneous pictures...

O.T. patiently awaiting his chance to rob someone of a base hit...

J-Dub just missing a deep ball in the gap w/ McKeever...

Isaac making a dash for first...

Isaac hurling the rock...

Chaos in the dugout... Logan's got the rally cap on...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Game 2 @ Angels 3/7

A very, very exciting game... however, we had a couple critical errors that cost us 4 runs and that was the difference in the game. In the top of the 6th we had the tying run on third and the go ahead run at second. We hit a ground ball to second base, which was bobbled and thrown to first base for the final out... even the other team said we were safe. The Angels still would have gotten their final at bat, but that would have been a blast to go ahead and win. Bad call at first base? Sure, but the way I look at it... we gave them 4 runs... thus the bad call really doesn't matter.

We still hit well (10 hits) and put up 9 runs. Minus some defensive errors, it was another good game.



Padres lose 9-10

Take a bow
McManus - Made great contact at the plate, walked.
Tack - put-out SS->1B
McKeever - (1 for 3) 5 K's, RBI double, 3 put-outs while pitching.
Connally -(2 for 2) 2 singles, scored on a pass ball, stolen base, scored 3 time total, walked
Williams - (1 for 3) Made great contact, RBI double, put-out P->1B
Hertel - (2 for 3) 2 singles, RBI and 2 great stops at the plate.
Lambert - (1 for 2) hard single up the middle, walked.
Makwana - (2 for 3) 2 singles and 2 RBI's.
Hudson - (1 for 1) Good plate discipline, tripled with 2 RBI's, walk
Smith - put-out 3B->1B
Pennino - Made great contact at the plate.

Player of the Game - Will "The Thrill"

Ruby's Diner Sports Superstars
Chris McKeever and Rikki Makwana

Miscellaneous pictures...

Tyler taking second base...

J-Dub taunting Garrett.

Isaac awaiting the next pitch...
Pants tucked into socks for maximum speed.

J-Dub throwing heat.

McMouth about to take one deep.

"My life would be PERFECT if I talked a bit less and I was lactose tolerant... Yeah... life would be good."

O.T. focused on a big hit.

Makwana driving the ball with style...

Thrill about to connect...

The smell of defeat, but a lesson learned.

This is what happens when you're frustrated from a loss... and you hit the Snack Shack and overdose on Slush Puppies. I see a whole other side of Jonathon now... kinda spooky...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Game 1 vs. Mets 3/4

A great way to open the season! Pitching was solid, the bats were live and a "W" in the books.


Game Totals

Padres WIN 9-4

Take a bow...
Lambert - 2 K's pitching (2 IP), only allowed 3 hits and had a put-out.
McManus - 1 RBI, 1 BB, caught a pop-up at 2B.
Williams - (2 for 2) HUGE double with bases juiced and another double later, had a put-out at 1B
Tack - (1 for 1, HBP) 2 K's pitching (.67 IP), 2 RBI single, caught a pop-fly at SS and a put-out SS->3B.
Hudson - (2 for 2) single and a DEEP double
Connally - (1 for 1, walk) 8 K's, 0 hits and only 1 walk (3.33 IP), MONSTER ground rule double
Makwana - (1 for 2) hard single
McKeever - (1 for 1, walk) RBI single
Smith - great plate discipline... 3 walks.

(I was low on stats and notes the first couple of games. This is getting better.)

Player of the Game - Tyler Connally

No, that's not lipstick... I think Tyler had a raw steak at the snack shack.

Ruby's Diner Sports Superstars
Jonathon Willams and Josh Hudson

Great job Padres!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Opening Day Ceremonies

Hello Padre fans and welcome to our team blog. Matt and I hope to keep on top of posting game summaries and some pictures throughout the season. We think it will be fun and something for the kids to look forward to after the games.

Opening day was a lot of fun and the kids behaved wonderfully through a long and warm day. It started with individual and team pictures, followed by a great pancake breakfast... then many of the boys participated in the home run derby and Marty, Glen and myself helped on the field. We set the tone for the season when it was our turn to march in the Parade of Champions. As the boys crossed home plate, they huddled up and our front-man Will Hertel leading our team chant with a strong voice...

Will: "WHO ARE WE?!"
Team: "PADRES!!!"
Team: "PLAY HARD!!!"

The crowd loved it... total bedlam... it was awesome! Later while patiently listening to the announcements, Tyler turned to me with a huge smile and said "Coach Sean... we made the crowd yell when we did our chant." I returned a huge smile back and simply said, "Yes. We sure did." ;)

After that the team sat on the field to hear from the league president, the mayor of our town, and other dignitaries. It was all capped off with the singing of our national anthem and the confetti cannons. Some of the players helped hold the giant American flag during the anthem. All the day's activities got the boys geared-up for the upcoming season.

Here are a few pics and a video from the day... More to come soon.

Coach Sean

Here they are showing their guns...

Other miscellaneous photos...