Monday, March 16, 2009

Game 1 vs. Mets 3/4

A great way to open the season! Pitching was solid, the bats were live and a "W" in the books.


Game Totals

Padres WIN 9-4

Take a bow...
Lambert - 2 K's pitching (2 IP), only allowed 3 hits and had a put-out.
McManus - 1 RBI, 1 BB, caught a pop-up at 2B.
Williams - (2 for 2) HUGE double with bases juiced and another double later, had a put-out at 1B
Tack - (1 for 1, HBP) 2 K's pitching (.67 IP), 2 RBI single, caught a pop-fly at SS and a put-out SS->3B.
Hudson - (2 for 2) single and a DEEP double
Connally - (1 for 1, walk) 8 K's, 0 hits and only 1 walk (3.33 IP), MONSTER ground rule double
Makwana - (1 for 2) hard single
McKeever - (1 for 1, walk) RBI single
Smith - great plate discipline... 3 walks.

(I was low on stats and notes the first couple of games. This is getting better.)

Player of the Game - Tyler Connally

No, that's not lipstick... I think Tyler had a raw steak at the snack shack.

Ruby's Diner Sports Superstars
Jonathon Willams and Josh Hudson

Great job Padres!

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